07/16/2020: HSCC Cyber Working Group Q2 2020 Report
This guidance compiles recommendations and considerations for managing a return-to-work (“R2W”) strategy for our healthcare institutions and companies approaching COVID phase-down, both domestically and internationally.
As cyberthreats to medical research on COVID-19 – and other intellectual property – grow, organizations must take critical steps to prevent the theft of their “innovation capital,” says Russell Koste, Chief Security Officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals, and one of the HSCC CWG Leaders on the Health Industry Cybersecurity Protection of Innovation Capital (HIC-PIC)
The latest Healthcare and Public Health Sector Coordinating Council (HSCC) insights detail ways healthcare entities can better secure its trade secrets and medical research from cyber theft.
The healthcare workforce is always evolving and becoming more and more flexible. This flexibility includes the workforce becoming more remote, which in turn means there are more cyber threats to consider. Check out the poster below that details 12 tips you can implement from your organization and from your home to help fight cyberattacks while teleworking!
The HIC-PIC is a white paper with guidance for how healthcare organizations can protect trade secrets, medical research and other innovation capital from cyber theft.
Responding to a spike in cyber threats that exploit telework technologies during the COVID-19 pandemic, the American Medical Association (AMA) and the American Hospital Association (AHA) have teamed to provide physicians and hospitals with guidance on protecting a remote work environment from cyber criminals.
Just as keeping a balanced diet is important to your overall health, having a balanced cybersecurity approach is essential to protecting your patients and organization from cyber threats! Download the 405(d) Program’s newest cybersecurity awareness resource that you can use in your organizations!