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HICP’s 5 Threat Weekly Webinar Series

March 2019
With the recent release of the Health Industry Cybersecurity Practices: Managing Threats and Protecting Patients publication, the 405(d) initiative is happy to announce the: HICP’s 5 Threat Weekly Series! The Series kicks off this week with Threat 1 – Email Phishing

Five Threats Series Details:
Dates of Engagement All at 2 PM EST

  • Week 1/Threat 1 – E-mail Phishing Attack: March 19 & 21, 2019
  • Week 2/Threat 2 – Ransomware Attack: March 26 & 28, 2019
  • Week 3/Threat 3 – Loss or Theft of Equipment or Data: April 2 & 4, 2019
  • Week 4/Threat 4 – Insider, Accidental or Intentional Data Loss: April 9 & 11, 2019
  • Week 5/Threat 5 – Attacks Against Connected Medical Devices: April 16 & 18, 2019

At 2 PM EST on March 19 & 21, join the WebEx meeting from here:

What is the 5 Threats Weekly Series?

The HICP Five Threats Weekly Series hosted by the 405(d) initiative is a series of webinars focused on the Five Threats identified in the publication. With the recent release of the HICP publication and its supporting materials, the healthcare community has a new resource to help strengthen their posture against cyber threats. These presentations aim to further introduce the publication and allow our community to dive deeper into the Five threats individually and their corresponding mitigation practices. Each presentation will be co-led by federal representatives and 405(d) industry Task Group members.

Want More Information?

For more information on this effort and to stay up to date on all 405(d) activities, please visit the 405(d) website at Or email 405(d) initiative at